artist: paula roush
project:internet of things
-diagrams & visualisations
method: made by searching diagrams representing the concept of "internet of things " (from google searches, tech diagrams, lectures powerpoint presentations.);
for further research:Flickr set of the whole collection:
artist: paula roush
project:pdf publications spam anthology and untitled folder
method: made by collecting spam gifs (from viagra, stock market, medicine adverts,etc); and photos/thumbnails from online social networks(like gaydar)
for further research:download of the whole collection:

artist: guthrie lonergan
-robot stoppers & thmbnails
method: made using robot stoppers (from Myspace, PayPal, Ticketmaster, & some others) and thumbnail images (mostly from Google News, some from YouTube.)
Download pdfs of the whole collection: http://www.theageofmammals.com/secret/robotstopper_index.pdf
for further research:

artist: nick crowe
project:The Management Committee of the World Wide Web Consortium (2000)
Engraved glass, paper, fixings, light
13 panels, each 60cms x 45cms
method: 13 glass panels hand-engraved with portraits of the management committee of the world wide web consortium
for further research:

project: Nasdaq Landscape (2001)
Drawings on flip chart stands A1 size
method:12 A1 drawings depicting the Nasdaq Composite during the financial year 2000/2001 set in the context of a pen and ink landscape. 2000/2001 was the year when the dot.com investment bubble burst.

project: The New Medium (1999)
Engraved glass, fixings, light
15 Panels, each 60cms x 45cms
method:15 Glass panels hand-engraved with internet memorial pages that had been submitted to a web site called Virtual Heaven. First shown at the Lux Gallery, London in January 2000
artist: albertine meunier
project: My Google Search History
text files and quicktime movies
method: archive of the artist's search words when using google search engine as supplied by google, output as quicktime movies
artist: Olia Lialina & Dragan Espenschied
project: With Elements of Web 2.0
method: a series of pictures about the web of early 2006, in A1 silkscreen over digital print.
for further research: